Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wrestling Podcasts! (UPDATED FEB 6TH 2016!)

Occasionally from time to time, I like to kick back and reminisce on the yesteryear of professional wrestling. Thankfully, the internet is full of retrospective podcasts that allows one to do so...

One of these podcasts is OSW Review, a video podcast run by three lads out of Dublin, Ireland...

Initially, the podcast was dedicated to chronicling the Hulkamania Era (PPV by PPV) but has since then expanded to covering other eras, such as the short period where David Arquette was WCW Champion and are currently beginning a series of episodes dedicated to Extreme Championship Wrestling...

The podcast is rife with playful jabs and inside jokes, one in particular led to my contributions to the show...

The lads often call for a "Splicey Splicey" whenever there's a demand for a post-production splice-in of a clip related to the current discussion. I ended up creating a fanart of the phrase in the style of the classic SummerSlam logo and shared it with them on their Twitter...

Jay Hunter, the head of the show, liked it so much that he ended up using it in their 24th episode covering Survivor Series 1991 and lead to further collaborations with the podcast...

More of that and my work with The Attitude Era Podcast after the break....

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Greatest Movie EVER! (UPDATED OCT 1ST 2014!)

One of my favorite podcasts to listen to while I'm animating/sketching/etc. is The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast, hosted by Paul "Gooberzilla" Chapman and a rotating cadre of co-hosts. No film is too obscure, schlocky or Nicholas Cage-y for discussion.

In 2011, Chapman put out an open call on Twitter for a banner for a theme month he was planning called Eldrich Horrors. Given by the title, you can probably surmise that the focus was around films inspired by H.P. Lovecraft. But Gooberzilla had specific guidelines that the banner had to follow. I jumped at the challenge and this was the result...

Chapman loved the submission and applied it to the episode posts on his website. But as you'll see after the break, this wouldn't be the last time I would apply my talents for the Almighty Gooberzilla...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Guru Larry's Retro Corner!

One of my earliest online projects was developing graphics for British gaming personality, "Guru" Larry Bundy Jr. Initially, they were for a video series known as Guru Larry's Retro Corner, which served as bite-sized retrospectives on video games of yesteryear. These usually consisted of taking photographs of Larry (and occasionally his gaming compatriot, Wesley Lock) and merging them with other graphics representative of the games in question ala Terry Gilliam's Python animations.

Below are many of the title cards I developed for the show (and if you are interested in watching said show, then you can click HERE)

More cards after the break....

Friday, January 18, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

All About Me!

Hello there and welcome to PortFIZZio, the online portfolio and artblog for animator and graphic artist, Michael "The Fizz" Scally!

Currently I'm working my way towards a BFA in Film/Animation from Rochester Institute of Technology

In the meantime, you can follow me on FaceBook and Twitter